Become a Certified Coach
International Coaching Certification Program
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What is coaching?
- Coaching is a transformational methodology that unleashes a
persons potential to maximize performance. - Makes goals and plans a reality with effective execution.
- Is focused on CLARITY of goals, MAKING plans and EXECUTING
Who is the training for?
- Anyone who wants to be more effective in helping people get results in their business and personal lives.
- Anyone working in human resources positions.
- Anyone that would like to become a Coach and start his/her own practice.
- Anyone working in a managerial position interested in becoming a better manager, leader and develop his/her team.
- Coaches that have been working in the industry but want a formal certification from a renowned organization.
- People in service businesses and jobs that want to help their clients more.
What transformations can I expect?
- Leaving the “comfort” zone.
- Taking risks.
- Finding new ways to do things and additional resources.
- Using a persons values as the power of motivation.
- New attitudes for personal growth.
- Changing limiting beliefs to empowering beliefs.
- Assuming full responsibility
The benefits of becoming a coach are both personal and professional. Coaching will improve your abilities and skills in managing your own life.
How do I know I’m succeeding?
- More consciousness of internal and external resources.
- Tools to define goals, plans and to execute them effectively.
- A “life balance” and the attitude for personal growth.
- A new acquired confidence and tools to go after new challenges.
On a professional level, coach training gives you the foundation for a wonderful field and a very rewarding career. Coaching is one of the best ways of making the most of your skills to become a better version of yourself and help others do the same.