Author Archive

Time for your perfectionism? Not now, not ever.

Time for your perfectionism? Not now, not ever.

As I have worked with executives and new professional coaches, I have found that many times the main blockage for results is perfectionism. In my own work numerous times I have delayed, procrastinated, or abandoned things because they don’t reach the level of “perfection” that I needed.  The meaning I found in the dictionary for […]

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THE REMOTE LEADER: Reframing Remote Working

THE REMOTE LEADER: Reframing Remote Working

Remote leadership is not a new thing but working from home, hybrid work and teams combining different working environments is still in constant evolution. Did you know that 1 out of 4 employees are already preparing to look for a new employment opportunity? And that almost half of the workers globally are considering leaving their […]

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Elevating your Coaching: Team Coaching

Elevating your Coaching: Team Coaching

Imagine elevating the capabilities and results of the traditional coaching one on one to a whole team. If an individual gets outstanding results from self-exploration on setting clear and well-defined goals, establishing good plans and then executing, what would be the results from applying this same methodology to teams? From my perspective, I think it […]

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The Observer

The Observer

You can’t fire him; you better make it work for you and not against you.  Some people call it our consciousness, some people call it internal dialogue, I call it the observer. There is a part of our brain, the animal non-cognitive brain that without command or as a reaction to sensorial perceptions starts super–fast processes and in […]

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3 Tips for Proactive Online Socializing

3 Tips for Proactive Online Socializing

With constant changes around us, we’ve had to embrace our own adaptation skills for our daily routines. Being contained in a place that transformed itself from a cozy home to office, gym, online shopping plaza and movie theater, has not been an easy process and at some times feels like we cannot take it anymore. […]

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El Enojo: Enemigo Interno

El Enojo: Enemigo Interno

“Esta persona me hace enojar” es una expresión común; el enojo surge cuando alguien nos altera. Esta transición de nuestro estado “no enojado” a “enojado” es casi imperceptible. Por supuesto sabemos cuando nos enojamos, que estamos enojados o enojadísimos, pero cuando eso sucede ya pasamos el punto de transición de tranquilo a enojado. La energía […]

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Cheer up, what gives us joy?

Cheer up, what gives us joy?

Often situations in life can undermine our confidence, frustrate us and feel like obstacles that are difficult to overcome. Our morale decreases; the energy, excitement and passion we put into a new activity or enterprise is affected and replaced by a concern for failure, by a shadow, that continues putting us down and lowers our […]

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Ánimo, ¿Qué nos da ánimo?

Ánimo, ¿Qué nos da ánimo?

Con frecuencia las situaciones de la vida pueden mermar nuestra confianza, frustrarnos, cansarnos y sentirse como obstáculos difíciles de vencer. El estado de ánimo se describe a diferencia de las emociones que son más fugaces; como un estado más duradero de emoción que puede ser bueno o malo y que se ha ligado también a la […]

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El tiempo no es dinero

El tiempo no es dinero

El tiempo no es dinero. El dicho universal de “el tiempo es dinero” se hizo famoso por Benjamín Franklin cuando comparo minutos y horas con chelines y libras. Creo que el viejo Ben lo entendió todo mal, el tiempo no es dinero. Sí, el tiempo y el dinero tienen algunas similitudes: ambos son valiosos, importantes, limitados […]

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Time is not Money

Time is not Money

Time is not money. The universal dictum of “time is money” was made famous by Benjamin Franklin when he equated the passing minutes and hours to shillings and pounds. I believe good old Ben got it all wrong, time is not money; yes, time and money have some similarities, they are both valuable, important, limited and a […]

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No es Personal

No es Personal

“No es personal” es una frase de uso común cuando estamos haciendo comentarios o compartiendo malas noticias con alguien, normalmente sobre algo relacionado con el trabajo. Sabemos que cuando nos tomamos las cosas personalmente, nuestro cerebro reacciona con nuestro mecanismo de defensa animal que nos protege inmediatamente de cualquier forma de agresión. Incluso si lo […]

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Amor, amor, amor.

Amor, amor, amor.

El amor es un tema complejo cubierto por muchos poemas, libros, películas e historias. Sin duda, una parte intrínseca de nuestra vida, sin importar que trabajo, profesión o negocio tengamos. Siempre habrá un gran enfoque en nuestros seres queridos cuando se trata de nuestra lista de prioridades de tiempo y recursos. Podría ser tu esposo […]

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It’s Not Personal

It’s Not Personal

“It’s not personal”, is a commonly used phrase when we are either giving feedback or sharing bad news with someone about something at work. We know that when we take things personally our brain reacts with our animal defense mechanism immediately protecting us from any form of aggression.  Even if what we perceive as aggression is […]

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Love, love, love.

Love, love, love.

Love is a complex topic covered by so many poems, books, movies and stories. No doubt an intrinsic part of our human life no matter what job, profession or business we have. There will always be a big focus on our loved ones when it comes to our priority list for time and resources. It […]

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El Poder de la Conexión

El Poder de la Conexión

Todos sabemos que la soledad no es nada agradable. Cuando estamos solos y tenemos esa sensación de no estar conectados, las emociones negativas surgen fácilmente e incluso pueden llevarnos al punto de sentirnos deprimidos o completamente desmotivados. ¿Pero estamos haciendo algo al respecto? Como seres humanos, es parte de nuestra naturaleza es sentir una necesidad […]

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The Power of Connection

The Power of Connection

We all know that loneliness is not a nice thing. When we are lonely and we have that feeling of not being connected, negative emotions easily arise and can even hold us to the degree of feeling depressed or completely demotivated. But are we reaching out? As human beings part of our nature is a […]

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